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English translation for "to embark"


Related Translations:
embark:  vi.1.上飞机,上船 (on)。2.从事,开始 (in; on; upon)。3.载客,装货,搭载。 embark in [on] a steamer 上轮船。 embark for New Rork 乘船去纽约。 embark in [on] matrimony 开始过结婚生活。vt.1.载(客),装(货);使上船,使上飞机,搭载。2.使从事,使着手。3.邀(某人)入股
embarking:  登机
scouts embarking:  侦察兵进入
embarking raft:  出发地点的木筏
embarking hatch:  登船舱口
embark on:  从事, 着手从事,着手,开始工作登上开始,着手
embark upon:  从事,着手,开始工作开始, 从事, 着手
embarking of passenger:  旅客登船
embark on sth:  开始着手做某事
embark for dalian:  乘船去大连
Example Sentences:
1.It seems we are going to embark for the moon .
2.I do not wish, however, to embark upon the subject of penal reform .
3.He began to talk of my going to west chester in order to embark for ireland .
4.For this when about to embark for home, he was seized, brought before you, charged with being a spy .
5.Smes encouraged to embark on e - commerce
6.Assist passengers in need to embark and disembark the vessel safely
7.I plan to embark on my english tour
8.Another strategy is to embark on one ' s own employment search
9.2 . to embark on new territories of life
2 .开创自己的生活领域
10.Step one is to create your business or to embark on a career
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